Ricks involvement with government continues at a high level. As he matures he faces the greatest challenge of his life when he is kidnapped by the KGB. An alternate timeline book.

Taken to the Soviet Union and put on trial he finds that he has to create his own way to safety. He creates such havoc in the government on his way out, the Chinese promise never to kidnap him.

With humor, we follow a young man’s coming of age in the late 1950s. Starting in the summer before his freshman year this series follows the young man through his high school life and beyond. He finds that fame and fortune cannot protect him from everything.

He learns that people can grow apart through no fault of their own.

His feud with the Kennedy brothers deepens. As Confucius says, ”When setting out for revenge, dig two graves.”

This tongue in cheek saga is all true, give or take a lie or two.

The Richard Jackson Saga: Book 12 Escape From Siberia

Chapter 1 (partial)

I held Nina in my arms. I didn't want to let her go. I don't know how we will work this all out but work it out, we will. I still don't know how she could have gone with that Prince behind my back, and I would probably never understand.

It didn't matter. Nina was back where she belonged. I had been a lifeguard and pulled some desperate people out of the water. They hadn't clung to me like she was.

It took me a moment to realize that she was sobbing her heart out. We were standing in a room full of people, some family, some I had never seen before.

I saw Mum; I mouthed to her, get us a room. I had to give Mum credit; she didn't take the cheap shot she could have. She just steered us to an open doorway. It was to somebody's office, but it wasn't occupied, so she gently led us in and left, closing the door behind us.

We stood in that office for the longest time, wrapped in a hug.

She finally pulled away from me and looked up into my eyes.

"Rick, how can you ever forgive me?"

"I don't know that I have to forgive you. All I know is that I need you in my life."

She hugged me again and started sobbing.

I held her gently, she had lost weight, and it felt like I could break her if I hugged her too tightly.

After a while, there was a knock on the door. It was Mum.

"Rick, we need you out here to talk to people, and it looks like Nina needs to wash her face. I will take care of her."

I went back out to face a crowd of well-wishers. At least, that is what I thought they were. My emotions were so jangled that I had no idea what was said to me or how I answered.

My answers must not have been too bad because no one fled crying or challenged me to a duel.

There was the inevitable press conference, where I was asked intelligent questions such as, "How does it feel to be a Duke?"

"It's too soon to tell."

"What are your plans now?"

"Go to Disneyland? No, just kidding. I have to figure out what this new title means, and I have work to do with the North and South Vietnamese governments and two golf tournaments to get ready for."

I wasn't about to tell them "and sort out my relationship with Nina."

The Empress and Queen both avoided the press. I had to learn their tricks. I was summoned, never asked, always summoned, like, "Here, Rover, good boy, good doggy."

Elizabeth started with, "Thanks for being a good sport about this. We knew if we asked in advance, you would try to weasel out of this. We do need help here in the long run and when we get closer to the transition."

Empress Ping continues, "In the shorter term, you can help Hong Kong become the window on the world for China. As our ports expand, they will help our economy, but we need to get trade moving now so the people are happy with the new government."

The Richard Jackson Saga: Book 12 Escape From Siberia

Cast in Time Book 6 Available in January 2025!

An Engineer finds himself in an Alternate reality, Cornwall, in the year 715 A.D. He awakens in the body of a young Baron. James Fletcher continues on his world conquest. He has realized that nothing short of world domination will allow him to live in peace.

No matter how he expands the new neighbors will covet his goods and lands. Now it is Italy that is being conquered while James is doing a grand tour of all his territories. With heavier than aircraft it is smooth sailing, well almost.

Earl E. (Ed) Nelson

I have always wanted to be an author. I had my first rejection slip in about 1965. Wish I had saved it. For many years the only writing I did was technical as pesky things like three children, nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren came along.

My technical writing was in the field of quality in several different journals. I worked in the field of quality for over fifty years, starting as a line inspector and ending up as a Vice-President of Quality and elected a Fellow of the American Society for Quality.

Then a wonderful thing happened. I lost my job and was out of work for almost eight months. To keep from going crazy I wrote. I posted my stories on an online site, and lo and behold people read them and said nice things. Fast forward about eight years and I am retired and writing for the fun of it.

A lot of what is in my stories is based on my life experiences, gasp! Give or take a lie or two that is. The one fortunate thing in my career is that I got to travel worldwide and have been to most of the locations I write about.

In my younger days, I tried hot air ballooning, sky diving, white water rafting, spelunking, and target shooting. I have collected stamps, drove in road rallies, lowly rated by the US Chess federation. I built a Kentucky long rifle and a dueling pistol. I am a licensed HAM radio operator. My hobby is having hobbies.

My true passion is reading. Trapped in a hotel room I would read the telephone book. The TV would not be turned on. I have averaged 200 books a year for the last sixty years. I knew those long flights were good for something.

BTW I was born in the middle of an air raid in England during World War II, the house next door was destroyed and our windows were blown out. That is probably the most interesting thing I have been involved with. Mum never forgave me. Happily married for 56 years I hope my wife doesn’t catch on to what a goof I am.

Amazon Reviews

What readers are saying about this book

The Richard Jackson saga book 12 This book was a joy to read. I wish the character. It was actually a person in real life. It would’ve saved a lot of lives in Vietnam. I love you alternate universe that the author wrote this in. I wish it had been our universe.

5 star book review

Amazon Customer

Amazon Review

Nice change. All the other books had stayed close enough to reality to seem possible in time-line. This book jumped history and changed history of Russia and North and South Vietnam. What could have been with a few changes.

5 star book review

Amazon Customer

Amazon Review

Richard Jackson The Hero This was the most exciting saga yet. Richard always overcomes his adversities and makes it better for the common man. Another great read. What adventures await RJ in the next saga?

5 star book review

Kindle Customer

Amazon Review

I like this version of history is better. The Richard Jackson saga is one of the best stories I have read. From recognising obscure references and famous character names; Frady to "On the Road Again" adds a spice of humor to a really funny story. The Siberian caper was superbly crafted. Richard is an amazing and admirable guy. Need more! Please.

5 star book review

Kindle Customer

Amazon Review

Great Thanks to kindle unlimited I’ve binged the entire series. Truly an interesting alternate history of things possibly as they should have been with the young man as the catalyst.

5 star book review

Henry T. Cosgrove

Amazon Review

Available on Amazon

You can purchase this book and all of Ed Nelsons book series on Amazon.


Other Books by Ed Nelson

  • All
  • Richard Jackson Saga
  • Cast in Time
  • Other
Book cover for Cast in Time - The Baron

Cast in Time

The Baron

Book cover for Cast in Time - Baron of Middle Counties

Cast in Time

Baron of Middle Counties

Book cover for Cast in Time - Count

Cast in Time


Book cover for Cast in Time - Earl

Cast in Time


Book cover for Cast in Time - Earl of the Marches

Cast in Time

Earl of the Marches

Book cover for Cast in Time Book 6 - Duke

Cast in Time


Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - The Beginning

The Richard Jackson Saga

The Beginning

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - School Days

The Richard Jackson Saga

School Days

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Hollywood

The Richard Jackson Saga


Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - In the Movies

The Richard Jackson Saga

In the Movies

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Star to Deckhand

The Richard Jackson Saga

Star to Deckhand

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Surfing Dude

The Richard Jackson Saga

Surfing Dude

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Third Time is a Charm

The Richard Jackson Saga

Third Time is a Charm

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Oxford University

The Richard Jackson Saga

Oxford University

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Cold War

The Richard Jackson Saga

Cold War

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Taking Care of Business

The Richard Jackson Saga

Taking Care of Business

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Interesting Times

The Richard Jackson Saga

Interesting Times

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Escape from Siberia

The Richard Jackson Saga

Escape from Siberia

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Regicide

The Richard Jackson Saga


Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - What’s Under? Down Under.

The Richard Jackson Saga

What’s Under? Down Under.

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - The Lunar Kingdom

The Richard Jackson Saga

The Lunar Kingdom

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - First Steps

The Richard Jackson Saga

First Steps

Book cover for Ever and Always

Ever and Always

Immortality and the Apocalypse


Frequently Asked Questions for Ed Nelson

  • I had a contracted project finished and had time before the next one started. I had been thinking about a story for several years so decided to give it a try. It worked. I'm retired now so it is a nice hobby and the extra income is nice.

  • I started out as a pantser, writing by the seat of my pants, no plot, no ending just writing. That works on a single novel but not a series. So now I try to plot, only gross outlines. When I get hung up on where to go next the pantser takes over.

  • Plotting! Don't have telephones before you have electricity under control. Well maybe two tin cans and a string.

  • I'm the hero of course. Eveyone else is an archetype. As a hero I'm also a archetype. That makes me a pretty shallow person! Maybe I'm not a hero after all.

  • Involving the reader deeper and deeper into the story until the most outrageous acts are believable.

  • Walk away until the guilt piles up and start writing again.

  • My voice is exactly that. When I type out the words I'm speaking them in my head as though I was telling the story our loud around a campfire. It is how I speak.

  • I'm a voracious reader so many books have influenced me. I can't point to any specific one, but I know that I have picked up elements of storytelling.